Baqueira Beret weather live
Are you looking for dates to go skiing in Baqueira Beret? It is one of the best ski resorts in the Catalan Pyrenees and never disappoints. However, the snow forecast in Baqueira can make your getaway more or less pleasant. To make sure conditions are optimal for skiing, check the weather in Baqueira Beret here.
Weather forecast Baqueira Beret
8-day forecast
Information on the Baqueira Beret live weather

Baqueira Beret is a spectacular ski resort in the Catalan Pyrenees that offers 165 marked kilometres, with up to 113 slopes of different levels of difficulty, making it an ideal resort for families and also for friends who are veteran skiers and are looking for challenges at altitude. To make sure your getaway is a success, be sure to check the weather forecast for Baqueira.
In this section you can quickly consult all the useful information about the weather in Baqueira Beret that will help you plan your trip: what the temperature will be, each day and by time, both at low and high altitudes; the thermal sensation at the ski resort; the snow level; the visibility you will have on the slopes; the wind gusts, speed and direction at the base and at the top; as well as whether there is a forecast of snow in Baqueira Beret or rain.
The weather forecast in Baqueira Beret can change a lot in the resort, as it has a minimum altitude of 1.500 metres and a maximum altitude of 2.610 metres, at Cap de Baciver (i.e. a great difference in altitude of more than 1,100 metres).
Baqueira has an oceanic climate with the lowest average temperatures in late autumn and winter: 5 degrees in December and 3 degrees in January and February. The slopes usually close in April, when the weather forecast in Baqueira records a monthly average of 10 degrees Celsius. It is cold, but not extreme.
On the other hand, the average number of sunny days in Baqueira Beret is around 10 days per month during the ski season and the month with the most precipitation when the slopes are open is April; when it snows the most is in January and February, with an average of 15 days per month, so it is quite likely that flakes will fall on your getaway to Baqueira.